Hi Folks.
The North West Group (NWG) FOPS held their AGM last Friday night, 18th February 2011.
The future of the group has been uncertain, due to the impending resignation of the Group Chairman, George Houghton and Group Secretary/Treasurer Michael Houlden and whether anyone would put their name forward to take on those roles.
Fortunately, all posts have been filled and I can announce that the future of the NWG FOPS has been secured for another year.
The Committee comprises:
President: George Houghton
Chairman: Peter Clouston
Vice Chairman: Norman Kendall
Secretary: Dave Stubbs (yours truly
Treasurer: Ann Davies
Archivist: Gwynne James and Frank Dawson
Catering: Glyn Heywood
Other committee member are: Roy Pinches, Ned Kaye, Richard Wilson and yours truly again as the 'fill in entertainer', who presents videos in the absence of a real entertainer!
The retiring committee are: George Houghton, Michael Houlden, Muriel Stockton and Jim Cheetham and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them all for their huge contribution to the success of the NWG and wish them all the best for the future.
The group holds six meetings a year on the third Friday of the month from September to April, but not January and the next meeting will be held on Friday 18th March 2011, starting at 7:30 pm.
All are welcome to attend. Membership for 2011-2012 is £2. There is a fee of £1 if you want a cuppa during the break!
The venue is:
Shawe Hall Community Centre
Church Road, Flixton
M41 6HJ
File comment: Members of the North West Group FOPS at their AGM and Model Night 18th February 2011
NWG_AGM_Feb2011b.jpg [ 77.49 KiB | Viewed 11358 times ]
File comment: Roy Knowles brought a collection of memorabilia about Albert Taylor, including Albert's handturned organ "Panfluiter"
IMG_8610_b.jpg [ 138.28 KiB | Viewed 11359 times ]