There are some issues with the new 'Unread Topic' highlighting where a forum icon is still showing unread, even though all topics have been read.
I am working on it, but in the mean time you can click "Mark topics read" in each highlighted forum, or "Mark forums read" on the forum home page, once you have read the new posts.
Another possibility is that you may also have to delete any cookies that were created before the update, by clicking "Delete all board cookies" under the Forum Rules section:
deletecookies.gif [ 3.14 KiB | Viewed 24429 times ]
Note that doing this will log you out of the board and all posts will be highlighted until you click "Mark forums read", but it may function correctly afterwards.
I have now changed the forum settings for registered users, but you will now find numerous forums highlighted, even if you have read the posts.
Once you have established that you have read everything, click "Mark forums read" on the forum home page. The unread highlight should work correctly from then.
The unread post highlighting for Guests or members who haven't logged in will remain the same. The problem may be an issue with individual internet browsers, so until a bug fix can be found, if you find that the forum icon is still highlighted as unread after you have read everything in that forum, then you will still have to manually clear it using the "Mark topics read" in each forum section, or "Mark forums read" on the forum home page.